
Wireless, Battery-less Cellphone Chargers

If you’re like me, you’re probably really busy and always out and about doing whatever it is that keeps us so darn busy. If you’re that busy and always on the go, like me, you probably also use a cellphone to keep your social and business life on track. But what happens when you’re on the go and your cellphone dies? Some of us are so dependent on our mobile communication devices, that we are almost lost without them and some of us even carry car/wall chargers around too.

Recently, I was attending the Edmonton Music Folk Festival and if you have ever attended, you would know that it is a very “green” event, and hence there is no place to charge your mobile devices and you’re stuck on a hill! Well, being the sociable person that I am, I just HAD to keep all my friends up to date with where I was, what I was doing, and what it looked like so I was texting, uploading images of the venue and checking in on Facebook. But alas, I hadn’t left the house with a full battery and seeing as these tasks are battery intensive and that I have a large, bright touch screen, my battery was just about dead after 3-4 hours of use.

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Well wouldn’t you know it, I came across this nifty device that charges your mobile devices using SOLAR POWER!! This is great for all day events, camping, laying around on the beach, or even if you do not have a car charger. Not to mention, this device uses USB which is becoming widely universal and you can charge a plentiful variety of devices using it. You can purchase these solar charges anywhere between $10-$200 and the price usually just represents the type of connectors it comes with and the amount of power input it throws out. The more expensive, the more devices you’ll be able to use with it and the faster it will charge your device. However, some of them also include a flashlight torch and/or am/fm radio receiver. Here are few examples:

To be honest, I would recommend whichever fits your budget. Typically they are all about the same as far as functionality, but like I said, some come with more features than others.
If you have any other neat, wireless charging options, feel free to contact me :)